Course Description

Think on Your Feet®

The ability to Think on Your Feet® is a core skill. It means getting your ideas across clearly, concisely, persuasively – and being remembered.
Think on Your Feet® develops the techniques to express yourself the way you would like to – in the moment and under pressure.
The techniques are equally applicable if you have no time to plan, a few minutes to think or enough time to prepare a formal presentation.
Everyone wants you to get to the point. We have all been lost for words when under pressure, gone around in circles or worked out the perfect answer after the moment has passed!
The Virtual Instructor-led workshop includes two full day online sessions with group discussion, breakout rooms and interactive techniques. All modules are based on the workplace examples and challenges faced by those attending and include individual opportunity to put techniques into practice.
Watch a short video of Pam talking about the program at

You will learn:

Think on Your Feet® offers the accomplished communicator some creative ideas to differentiate their message, while less practiced speakers will find that the skills increase their confidence and success.

  • How to think fast and logically
  • How to structure your ideas to build credibility with your listener
  • How to field difficult questions with confidence and diplomacy

Who should attend?

  • Anyone who may face answering tough questions or handling a subject that has not been anticipated.
  • Managers, sales and consulting professionals who need to communicate ideas persuasively and confidently.
  • Project managers and technical experts who must make complex information simple

How is the program delivered?

Live Virtual Classrooms from 9:00am to 4:30pm. Pam Harris will facilitate this 2 day, highly interactive program on Zoom. Each day has a morning and afternoon session plus coaching and practice to ensure your learning is relevant to your situation and experience.

A licensed Think on Your Feet® affiliate for many years, Pam has facilitated this program around Australia for people in all industries and at all stages of their careers.

Think on Your Feet® is an internationally accredited workshop which has gained worldwide recognition as an innovative and highly effective oral communications program.

Cost & Inclusions

Cost: $1,210 (inc GST)



Location & Dates

Course Details and Schedule
  • Live Virtual Classroom – 12 & 19 June 2024

Career Outcomes

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