Terms and conditions

The following information will assist you in understanding the terms and conditions under which our training is provided. Please read all sections carefully and do not hesitate to contact us if you require clarification.

We are registered to deliver nationally recognised training (RTO No. 2353). Our qualifications are recognised within the Australian Qualifications Framework. We also deliver non-accredited training customised to client needs.

  • Face-to-face
    On registration, you will be sent detailed pre-course information, a course schedule and venue details. You will need to bring your own writing material. 
  • Self-paced learning
    On registration, you will be sent a self-paced learning pack, which includes detailed information about the course and the schedule. 
  • Live virtual classrooms (LVCs)
    On registration, you will be sent detailed pre-course information and a password to the ASC Online learning platform. After logging in, you will find details for the orientation session on your personal dashboard and Zoom or Teams links to future training sessions.   

Recognition of prior (RPL) is when your prior learning and experience is counted towards your current learning. It can be a valuable way to fast-track your learning journey and gain formal recognition for what you already know. 

Whether your skills have been developed through work experience, self-study, or other non-traditional avenues, RPL provides a pathway for recognising and validating these competencies.  

When you apply for RPL, your prior learning and experience is assessed and certified by one of our qualified VET assessors. If validated, you receive credit for the relevant competencies, meaning you will not need to undertake formal training for those competencies.  

If you’re considering RPL, please contact us to explore how your existing knowledge and skills might align with specific qualifications or competencies. 

  • Time commitment to complete the course
    Before beginning your course, you will be notified of the time commitment required. Tutorials and support services will be available for the duration of your course.
  • Qualifications at the end of the course
    For nationally recognised training, successful participants will receive a nationally recognised certificate or Statement of Attainment for specific units completed. If you are undertaking other courses or customised training (that falls outside of nationally recognised training), a Certificate of Attendance will be issued.
  • Requirements to achieve the qualification or complete the course
    If you are undertaking face-to-face training, it is important that you attend all training sessions. Should you not be able to attend a given day, you may be rescheduled into another program, or in some instances, you may be able to provide sufficient evidence of competency relating to the topics missed. In any event, all assessment tasks for all units must be completed.

All work for assessment must be submitted to ASC T&D within three months of completing the course. Beyond this time, you will need to apply for an extension by contacting our team. Fees will apply (see Overdue assessment submissions topic).

For nationally recognised training:

  • Each unit of competency has assessment tasks to be completed by the course participant.
  • Assessment is competency based. You will be assessed as ‘Competent’, ‘Partially Complete’ or ‘Not Yet Competent’ for each unit of competency. You must achieve all units of competency to fulfill requirements for nationally recognised training courses.

ASC T&D has the right to cancel a participant’s enrolment if the participant fails to submit any work within a six month period and if ASC T&D has made at least three attempts to contact the participant by email, phone or letter with no response. 

Appealing your assessment decision

If you are not satisfied with the assessment decision, your work will be re-assessed by another assessor engaged by ASC T&D. If you still believe your assessment has not been given fair and reasonable consideration and wish to contest our decision, please contact our Chief Executive Officer, Sharon Ayris. If the matter cannot be resolved, you will be forwarded an Appeals Form.

If your appeal is successful, you will be invited for a re-assessment immediately. Once eligible for re-assessment, you will have one month to achieve competency. 

If you are not satisfied with any aspect of the service offered by ASC T&D, you are invited to contact our Grievance Contact Officer, Sharon Ayris (CEO) on (08) 8410 2627.

All meetings and conversations relating to a particular grievance will be held in the strictest confidence. If an agreement cannot be reached, the matter may be referred to an external mediator.

  • Your rights and responsibilities
    • You have the right to receive quality, recognised training by qualified instructors, in an environment that is safe, comfortable and conducive to effective learning. In return, you are requested to be punctual in your attendance and contribute to the training course in a responsible and adult manner.
    • You will be supported through the program by a trainer and/or assessor via face-to-face, phone and email contact. You will also be encouraged to establish supportive networks with your line manager, colleagues and other participants in the program. It is expected you will take responsibility for your own learning, including accessing support when needed and actively planning to complete the assessments.
  • Providers responsibilities
    • ASC T&D undertakes to always safeguard your interests and provide high-quality training and assessment by qualified facilitators.
    • Your personal information is treated as outlined in our Privacy Policy
  • Support services
    • You can access ASC T&D support services via telephone (08) 8410 2627, email (info@asctraining.com.au), or through arranged meetings.
    • Should you have any concerns regarding access, equity or fairness throughout the program, please contact the Chief Executive Officer, Sharon Ayris on (08) 8410 2627.

ASC T&D recognises Statements of Attainment or qualifications issued by other registered training organisations (RTOs). If you have been issued a Statement of Attainment equivalent to the unit(s) you wish to apply for, you may be granted status (credit transfer) for the relevant units completed. A fee of $50 per unit will apply. 

If you have achieved a full qualification or the majority of units with another RTO, ASC T&D is not required to grant majority or full credit transfer results towards a newer qualification. ASC T&D is under no obligation to award a qualification based solely on the majority of credit transfer results, and we will refer the client back to the RTO who awarded the qualification initially.

You may request a replacement copy if your original certificate or Statement of Attainment is lost or misplaced. An administration fee will be charged for this service. We are happy to provide an email copy at no charge.

  • Deferments for up to six months may be applied.
  • During the deferment period, access to course resources, support and assessment services will be restricted.
  • Any outstanding payments and payment plans are still payable during a deferment period (unless agreed otherwise).
  • A deferment fee of $300 is payable and will be invoiced if approved. The applicant will have 30 days to pay and the deferral time will start on the date payment is received.
  • All deferments are subject to approval and may be declined if all courses are full or no longer being offered.

(i) Cancellation or deferment before the course commences

Should you need to cancel or defer your enrolment in a course you must give notice to the Training Coordinator at ASC T&D at least ten (10) working days prior to course commencement. An administration fee to cover any miscellaneous items and/or time and course materials preparation will be charged.

Failure to notify ASC T&D of a cancellation or deferment with at least ten (10) working days notice will result in 50% of the full cost of the course being charged. For less than five (5) working days notice, 100% of the full cost will be charged, unless exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated.

If you are unable to attend a course, you may be able to transfer your registration to another available course. An administration fee to cover any miscellaneous items and/or time and course materials preparation will be charged. The program is to be undertaken within 12 months of original enrolment. If the program is deferred more than once, 50% of the full cost of the course will be charged unless exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated. No refunds will be given if a course is deferred more than once and then a full withdrawal from the program is requested.

(ii) Withdrawal during the course

If you have fair and reasonable grounds to withdraw from training with ASC T&D (e.g. severe health issues), costs will be applied to all services delivered up to the time of withdrawal. In this event, ASC T&D may require a Statutory Declaration from you to support the claim.

In the event of withdrawing, if you are accessing a government funded program (that is, a Traineeship or Individual Funding) you or your employer will be invoiced the balance of the course fee up to services delivered at that time. Please also refer to the Funding – rights and responsibilities topic.

As courses may only proceed based on a minimum number of required participants, ASC T&D has the right to withhold the full payment amount if a participant withdraws during the program. This will occur if the program is deemed to be no longer cost viable due to the withdrawal.

(iii) Withdrawal due to no assessment submission

If a participant enrols but does not submit any assessment tasks within a three month period, no refunds will be given. Failure to make contact or submit within the three months will not be considered reasonable grounds for a refund. In exceptional circumstances, a refund will be granted (less a $100 admin fee). In this event, ASC T&D may require a Statutory Declaration from you to support the claim.

ASC T&D has the right to cancel a participant’s enrolment if the participant fails to submit any work within a three month period and if ASC T&D has made at least three attempts to contact the participant by email, phone or letter with no response. 

(iv) ASC cancellation of course

ASC T&D reserves the right to cancel a course if insufficient enrolments are received within ten working days prior to course commencement. Participants already booked into these courses will be notified immediately.

If ASC T&D cancels a course, a full refund of all monies paid by a client for the course will be made within 30 days.

(v) Grievances

If there is a dispute over refund eligibility or payment, in the first instance, all matters will be referred to the Chief Executive Officer.

If an agreement cannot be reached, the matter will be referred to Office of the Training Advocate on 1800 006 488.

Note: As a general procedure, all refund claims (where applicable) will be processed and paid within 30 days of receiving the claim.

  • Can I apply for an extension?
    • You have three months after your final day of training to submit all assessment tasks.
    • You can apply for an extension on compassionate grounds at no cost, for up to six months at a time, subject to provision of evidence and approval.
    • All other extensions will incur a fee of $150 per month, $300 for three months or $500 for six months. All extensions are subject to approval and may be declined if our courses are full or no longer being offered. If your paid extension is approved you may also be placed into a learner support group to support your course completion. 
  • Why is there an extension fee?
    • When you enrol with ASC T&D you are given a place in one of our programs with a commitment from us to support you through the agreed enrolment period. The extension fee allows us to continue to provide a quality service to you.

Time extensions may be granted by contacting our office via telephone (08) 8410 2627 or email (info@asctraining.com.au).

If ASC T&D has agreed to provide training and services (Training) as part of a service agreement, then you must avail of the Training within six months from the time the service agreement starts.  

ASC T&D is not obligated to provide the Training outside of the stated period. Any amount paid by you will be forfeited and ASC T&D will not be liable for any monetary loss suffered by you.  

You are required to provide ASC T&D with a valid Unique Student Identifier (USI) – an individual education number that stays with you for life.

If you have an existing USI but did not provide it at enrolment, we will try to find it via our student management system. When we do so, you will receive a notice that we have accessed the system to confirm your USI.

If you do not have an existing USI, you will need to go to the Unique Student Identifier website to create one. You need to provide that number to ASC T&D within seven days of commencement of training.

  • Individuals
    If you are accessing government funding and have paid a participant co-contribution payment, no refunds will be applicable and all costs incurred will be charged. You may be charged for any funding that has not been received up to the full price of the course.
  • Employers
    If you have recommended your employee to us to undertake a qualification and are accessing government funding, or if you (the employer) have paid the co-contribution payment, no refunds will be applicable and all costs incurred up until the time of withdrawal will be charged. Any funds not received through government funding will be invoiced to the employer up to the full price of the course. In some circumstances, a non-completion fee of up to $400 may be charged for extensive follow-ups.

Our team is available between 8.30 am and 5 pm weekdays via phone and email. Our office is located at Level 2, 185 Victoria Square, Adelaide 5000. However, it is not staffed on a daily basis.

If you wish to discuss any aspect of the course with a facilitator, please contact us.  Should you have any concerns regarding access, equity or fairness throughout the program, please contact the Grievance Contact Officer, Sharon Ayris (CEO) on (08) 8410 2627.

Need help choosing the right course?

By continually reviewing and redefining our workplace learning standards, we ensure that the training you receive is the training industry demands and future leaders need.

Speak to our Training Coordinator today about your training needs. 

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